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Campus Resources
A person shown accessing their room on campus

Accessing Your Room

We are very serious about safety. From electronically monitored access controls to unique lock systems, we make living on campus as safe and secure as possible.

The UNC Charlotte ID card is a permanent card for which you are responsible throughout your enrollment at the University. A valid ID card carries with it certain privileges such as use of the library, admittance to various activities and check cashing. Cards are coded with information which allows printing, vending and access to campus dining halls if you have a meal plan. For security reasons, your ID card is for your use only and must not be given to others (except when requested by a University official). Violators of the ID policy jeopardize the security of other residents and are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. University policy requires students to carry their ID cards at all times and to comply with requests from University officials to present this identification at any time.

Entry into Your Residential Building

In the University’s ongoing effort to provide residential students with reasonable, but still effective, security measures, residence halls are equipped with card access readers and the exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day. Students are required to use the appropriate card to gain entry to their residence halls.

Entry through Side Doors 

All exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day/seven days a week from the outside. There are propped door alarms on most of the exterior doors of the residence halls. These alarms allow additional exits out of the residence halls. If the door is held open or propped open after a short period of time, the alarm will sound. To silence the alarm, simply close the door. It is the entire community’s responsibility to ensure a safe environment. Please do not prop doors open; if you notice a door propped open, close the door to secure it immediately.

Entry During Break Periods 

Residents may stay in campus housing during all academic year break periods including Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Breaks. As usual, the buildings will be locked and only accessible via card access. During break periods, loan key, Housing Facilities Office response and related services run on a significantly reduced schedule. During these periods, residents are encouraged to be alert and to contact Police and Public Safety should anything or anyone seem suspicious.

Using the Card Readers 

To enter a building, tap your ID card against the card access reader. If you tapped your card too quickly or too slowly the reader will blink red. Try tapping your card again. Once the reader recognizes your card, the reader will blink green, and the door lock will click open.

If your ID card does not work, contact one of the Loan Key Desks (in Hunt, Martin, Belk, or LevineHalls). Tell the staff member that your ID card is not granting access. The staff member will help you obtain a temporary ID. If your ID card is not working, be sure to have it checked at the ID Office in the Student Union on the next business day.

If you have forgotten your ID card, you will need to gain entry to the building by calling a roommate or friend inside the building. This person will need to come to the front door to escort you into the building.


Because the buildings are always locked, persons making deliveries (pizza, gifts, etc.) must call the resident’s cell phone. The resident must then go to the front door to retrieve the delivery. Delivery staff is not permitted to go to a resident’s room unescorted.

Lost ID Card 

If your card is lost or stolen, you may obtain a permanent replacement at the ID Office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. After the ID Office has closed, you should report a lost or stolen ID immediately to the Loan Key desk staff in Hunt, Martin or Belk Halls. As appropriate, you will be issued a temporary, time-limited ID card and your privileges on your permanent card will be cancelled. The temporary card will be coded to give you the same privileges as you had on your permanent card. You must then go to the ID Office to have a new permanent ID card made the next business day.

ID Card Care 

Protect your card from physical abuse. Carry it in your wallet; do not use it as a tool for any reason; do not punch holes in the card. Avoid exposure to any type of magnetic source. Do not place your card on stereo equipment or close to magnets. Be aware that some wallets have magnetic closures. Avoid running your ID card through the washing machine or clothes dryer.


As a resident, you are responsible for the conduct and behavior of your guests and those guests must be escorted at all times. Guests should present a University ID, a driver’s license or some other government issued photo ID to a staff member if requested. At no time should you loan your ID card to a guest to use in your absence.

If you have lost your key, you must inform a Housing and Residence Life staff member immediately. Once notified, an immediate lock change will be initiated for which you will be billed. If the lock change is performed after normal office hours, staff overtime charges will also be incurred (minimum of 2 hours labor). You may elect the option of delaying the lock change until the next business day by signing a statement accepting full responsibility for the safety and security of your room, suite or apartment. Once a lock change is initiated, it cannot be stopped.

Loan Keys

If you are locked out of your room, a temporary key (called a loan key) may be issued according to the following directions:

  1. Log into the Online Housing System
    • Click Apply/Login
    • After logging in, click "Request Loan Key or Replacement Key" and follow the on screen instructions.
  2. Once you've submitted the online request, go to the Loan Key Desk appropriate to your building:
    • Belk, Lynch, Miltimore, Wallis or Witherspoon: Belk Hall, 704-687-5576
    • Holshouser, Hunt, Laurel or Scott: Hunt Hall, 704-687-5399
    • Levine or Wilson: Wilson Hall, 704-687-5461
    • Cedar, Elm, Greek Village, Hawthorn, Hickory, Martin, Oak or Pine: Martin Hall, 704-687-6131
  3. To check out a key, you must be able to present a valid photo ID or answer security questions.
  4. Use the key to gain entry to your room. You must return the loan key immediately after use. If you do not return it within the stated time frame given during issuance of the loan key, you will be charged for a lock change.
  5. When you return the key, you must present a valid picture ID and show your permanent key/card. The $5 loan key charge will be posted to your student account within 5-10 buisness days.

Loan Key Desks are open 7 days a week with a limited closure from 6:30-8 a.m. each day. If you are locked out during this closure, call your hall’s RA on Duty phone to be let into your room.

Note: the staff working the desk must leave the desk area to accomplish work related tasks. If the desk staff member is not available when you return the loan key/card, please wait at the desk for his/her return.

During winter break and transitional times between terms, please follow the posted signs to request room access.

Loan Key Building Security

By nature of the service provided, open access to the Loan Key Desk is required. Be assured that card/key access is still required to gain entry to the residential areas of each of the buildings housing Loan Key Desks.

Card Reader Low Battery

Some of our residential areas are equipped with an electronic card reader. This card reader is powered by a self-contained battery that is replaced on a regular preventative maintenance plan. However, a low battery warning may still occur. A series of three flashing lights and three audible beeps indicates that the battery may need replacing soon. If this occurs, please call the Facilities Office at 704?687?7502 to request a battery replacement. If your card reader has a low battery after hours, please contact your appropriate Loan Key Desk to request assistance.

Keys with Batteries

Some residential areas are equipped with Medeco Logic keys that are battery-powered. If your key fails, please visit the loan key desk for a temporary replacement until your new permanent key is issued to you.

Illegal Room Entry

The use of any device (except the proper University keys/cards) to gain entry into doors within the residence halls is prohibited. Such behavior by a resident and/or guest will result in disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.


Many residential areas are equipped with deadbolt locks for added safety. Residents who choose to engage the deadbolt to prevent the door from closing and latching properly place themselves, their roommates and personal belongings at risk. Such behavior by a resident and/ or guest will result in disciplinary action.

Prop Alarms

The exterior doors to all residential areas are equipped with prop alarms for added safety. These alarms sound loudly when a door is held open too long. Residents who choose to disable (without consent from the Department of Housing and Residence Life) and/or damage these alarms place themselves, fellow residents and personal belongings at risk. Such behavior by a resident and/or guest will result in individual and/or organizational disciplinary action.

This is an experimental feature in partnership with NC State University Libraries IT Group.

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